

1- Until it is time to dump your black tank, keep it closed.

2- If you hear your toilet burping, it is time to empty.

3- Empty black and then grey.

4- Get a clear elbow on your drain line so you can ensure it is emptying.

5- Laugh as you will, poop pyramids are real and if you leave your tank open you will eventually have one and try getting that broke up.

6- You do NOT need special toilet paper, you need to flush with plenty of water.

7- If you are having issues with your oven not cooking evenly, place a pizza stone on the bottom, it helps.

8-Bubblewrap is an excellent insulator...tape it inside your windows, place inside cabinets, in drawers...it does insulate against the cold.

9- You can also place those car windshield covers in windows as added insulation or purchase what is known as reflectix and line your cabinets and cabinet walls with it.

10- Keep bedding away from walls and if possible put fir strips under mattress to prevent mold.

11- You will need a house-sized dehumidifier to keep moisture down ... Damp rigs are ok, but will get costly.

12- The best portable heaters are the infrared ones, they are cool to the touch and keep areas warm, for us, we have found the other types get to hot and propane portable heaters must have windows open to prevent CO2 deaths.

13- When cooking or showering, run fans if you can.

14- You can stuff special pillows in fan openings when not in use or velcro reflectix over openings.

15- Rugs are your friend and the thicker the better.

16- If you can skirt the rig, do so but do not use straw or hay - you will bring rodents.

17-If you can use shrink wrap plastic on your windows, do so from the outside.

18-Purchase a RV-rated 'Carbon Monoxide Detector'

19- While these are expensive, you are going to want to purchase a Progressive surge protector about $350 you can get internal or external type and if you live where you have looters, internal best or the locks they make for these.

20- Know what you are plugged into -- 30 vs 50 amp and utilize electric accordingly.

For me, it was an adjustment and it will be for all if you as well. Make it your home, make it cozy and take one day at a time. You are all strong." Kester Jean (from Paradise FB group )